"Standard" octane
Octane using early rejection
Octane using expanded ensemble
Benzene with fixed geometry
Benzene with flexible geometry
Carbon dioxide with fixed geometry
Ammonia with flexible geometry
Hamiltonian scaling with octane - setup
Hamiltonian scaling with octane - data collection
Mixture of methane and pentane
Explanation of file names
- Input Files
- in.dat - main input file
- ba_1.dat - bonds apart file
- reserv_1.dat - reservoir file
- xyz_0.dat - initial configuration file
- data.dat - standard input
- Output files
- res_1.dat - main results file
- pl_1.dat - cycle output file
- n_1.dat, n_2.dat, ... - f(N) files
- his_1_h01.dat - f(N,E) file for Hamiltonian 01
- xyz_1.dat - final configuration file
- scr.dat - standard output
- er.dat - early rejection file