Gibbs Project


Results of the program were compared with already published theoretical and simulation results for binary and ternary LJ-mixtures. On this page results for different runs are given in form of graphs and report files which contain the "technical data" of the simulation and the averages (only of the last simulation block). To perform a good test for convergence it was attempted to start the simulations "far away" from the expected equilibrium points. However it should be noticed that during reproducing the results for the ternary LJ-mixtures the equilibrium points could not be approached from every point in the two phase region. The reason for this are density fluctuations in the GEMC-NPT ensemble which can move the simulated point out of the two phase region especially when the simulation is started from marginal points of the two phase region. Number densities are given in A-3, and volumes in A3.


Binary LJ mixtures
Reproduction of results of Harismiadis et al., Fluid Phase Eq., 65, 1-18 (1991).
Two points on the phase envelope of the system with Sigma2/Sigma1 = 0.5, Epsilon2/Epsilon1 = 0.5 at T* = 1.0 were reproduced by an GEMC-NPT and an GEMC-NVT calculation with N = 500 LJ atoms. The results were obtained by averaging over the last 106 steps of the simulation.

Ternary LJ mixtures
Reproduction of results of Tsang et al. in Fluid Phase Eq., 107, 31-43 (1995) for a system with Sigma2/Sigma1 = 0.75, Sigma3/Sigma1 = 0.5, Epsilon2/Epsilon1 = 0.75, Epsilon3/Epsilon1 = 0.5 at T* = 1.0 and P* = 0.20 by GEMC-NPT runs with N = 1000 LJ atoms.
The equilibrium number densities and concentrations were also compared with the values of an EOS for the LJ-fluid. For obtaining the following results long runs (2000000 - 5000000 configurations) were necessary to ensure that densities, concentrations and volumes were equilibrated. The results were obtained by averaging over the last 106 steps of the simulation.

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Page last modified by Johannes, August 1st 1996
Page created by Johannes, March 9th 1996