Gibbs Project



T = 393.15 K, p =20 bar - 100 bar, mNaCl = 2.889 g/kgH2O

The EPM2 model was used for carbon dioxide (see also results for CO2), water was modeled using the SPC model (see also results for H2O). For NaCl the PRH model (Pálinkás et al., Z. Naturforsch., 32a, 1137 (1977) ) was chosen since it was the only available salt model with a combined LJ and coulomb potential. Note that this model was originally parametrized for ST2 water. The simulation results for the electrolyte were compare with the experimental data of Rumpf et al., J. Sol.Chem., 23, 431 (1994) (electrolyte), Nighswander et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 34, 355 (1989) (binary), and the simulation results for the binary. GENPT runs were carried out with a system size of N = 374 (including 12 ion pairs) over 4 to 5.5 million configurations under the assumption that ions are present only in the liquid phase.

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Page created by Johannes, August 21st 1996